Making a Bow

May 19, 2009

Removing Clamps and Starting the String

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:10 am

img_7250(Worked on May 9, 2009)

Two days later, I removed the clamps on the riser- the wood glue held well, which I checked by trying to pull the two pieces apart (I wasn’t aware of wood glue’s strength). For the string, I had read on a website with a guide on how to make a Flemish bowstring that the author that  had measured out his string using his own height, standing tall with his arm up. I tried it, but I turned out to be a little short for the job, so I had my father, who is ~6ft tall measure it out for me. I used 7 strands of each color, 14 strands total. To braid the string, one braids it as one would braid rope- twist the strands one way, and twist the two pieces in the opposite direction. I only got a couple of inches in before I realized that I didn’t know how large I should make the loop- so I put a twist tie on the end and stopped braiding. The strands were waxed, so they stuck together well.

Time Spent: ~45min

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