(Worked on May 17,18, 2009)
What makes a bow a bow is the tillering process. The purpose of tillering is to get the bow to bend evenly, with the right pull poundage at the right draw. To tiller, one usually uses a tillering stand, something I’d have to build, since I don’t own one. However, I could achieve a similar effect by propping up a board in the Workmate clamp, and using two c-clamps on two other boards to keep the bow from falling off the apparatus. By pulling the string down to the outer board’s edge, I could stand back and see how it bent, and see which parts of the limbs I needed to sand. There are many problems that can arise while tillering, common problems including hinges, of which I had one. It took quite a long time, and it was extremely frustrating, but I was eventually able to get it to the point where I could bend it and brace it and the bow would bend how I wanted it to.
Time Spent: many hours
Technical Terms:
Tillering stand: