(Worked on May 18, 2009)
To finish off the bow, I sanded it using 100 grit, then 320 grit, then 400 grit sandpaper. I followed each sanding with a wipe-down of the bow using a microfiber cloth to get all the sawdust off. After I was done sanding, I used Howard Feed-N-Wax wood preserver, made of orange oil and beeswax. I followed the instructions to wipe it on, leave it for twenty minutes, and then wipe off. The resulting color change was very appealing- I loved it.
Time Spent: ~
Technical Terms:
Grit: The number on the back of sandpaper refers to the grit size, or the diameter of the sand, measured in micrometers. For instance, 100 translates to an average of 140 micrometers, 320 to 36 micrometers, and 400 to 23 micrometers.